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Getting Started with the On-Page Analyzer Tool

Mondovo’s On-Page Analyzer tool allows you to analyze one page at a time and compare that particular page with up to 2 other competitor pages. There are 4 primary functions that our tool performs which are listed below:

  • Summarizing key metrics about your page, like the title/meta description etc.
  • Highlighting your linking structure giving a break-up of the internal, external and if any, broken links
  • Highlights the prominent keywords used in the page along with details on how they’re used
  • Checks for how the page fares against 25 rules: Over optimization of title tags, meta description presence, page load speed or image optimization check etc. You can see more of these details in the report that you will ultimately run.

Given below is a detailed step-by-step procedure on how to go about using the tool as well as the takeaways from it. One important thing to note here is:

Steps 1-4 are common throughout irrespective of whether you’re analyzing your home page/inner pages/your page + your competitors’.

So let’s get started:

Step 1:

Login to your Mondovo account and select On-Page Analyzer (under SEO Tools) from the left menu. In case you’re a new user, you can create a new Mondovo account in less than 2 minutes.


Step 2:

Once you open the tool, you will be presented with the following form:


Fill in the details as requested. A few points to note are:

1) Enter Page URL – This can be your own website URL or any random URL that you wish to scan for any issues. You can also enter your inner pages here.

2) Clicking on the + logo next to ‘Enter Page URL’ will enable the option to ‘Enter your Competitor’s URL‘. You can enter up to 2 competitor’s URLs here.

3) Enter Keywords – Enter keywords to know if they are optimized for the particular page.

4) Units Incurred – For each URL that you enter, you will be charged 5 units for the same. So if you’re entering only 1 URL, you account will be debited by 5 units. For 2 URLs (Your’s + Your 1 Competitor), 10 units and for 3 URLs (Your’s + 2 Competitor’s), 15 units.

5) Report Name – This is the name by which your report will be saved. You can modify it as per your requirement or let it remain the same.

After you have filled the form, click on the Analyze button and wait for the report to get generated. This should take between 5-120 mins. You will see the status as ‘Processing’.


Step 3:

Once the report is ready, you will see a notification next to your name on the top-right corner. The ‘Processing’ status will now change to ‘View Report’.


Step 4:
Clicking on ‘View Report‘ will open your On-Page Analysis report. You will see various sections in the report which are as discussed below:


URL – The URL that you entered in the form

Title – The title of the page

Meta Description – The meta description of what the page is all about

Page Size – The size of the full page

Page Speed – The page loading time

Word Count – Total no. of words present on the page

Page Score – Indicates the overall page performance on a scale of 1-100 taking into consideration all the important SEO factors

SEO Factors Passed – The parameters that your page passes successfully


Issues to be Fixed – Things that needed immediate attention.


Internal Links – Links that go from the entered page to other different pages of your website. You can also get to know the anchor text, if the links are do-follow (green dot for do-follow and red for no-follow) as well as if the links are active or dead. You also have the option to select all/some of these URLs and add them to the URL basket for future use.


External Links – Links that point to external sources from the page you entered. You can also get to know the anchor text, if the links are do-follow (green dot for do-follow and red for no-follow) as well as if the links are active or dead. You also have the option to select all/some of these URLs and add them to the URL basket for future use.


Broken Links – Links that are no longer active. The details of broken links will be visible under the ‘Internal Links’ section. You only need to search for ‘Broken’ in the query box and the desired results will be displayed.


On-page Keyword Analysis – Shows how many of your targeted keywords were found on the page along with their frequency, SEOi score, density, whether they are present in the title and description, h tags, image alt. Attributes, domain name and file name. You also have the option to select all/some of these keywords and add them to the keyword basket for future use.


The numbers in green show that your keyword passes the parameter i.e. it’s present in the title, description, image alt., H tags, file name etc. The numbers in red show that your keyword is not present in title or description or image alt.

Frequency – Number of times the keyword is present on the page.

SEOi score – Score depicting the importance of a keyword on a page on a scale of 0-100. It’s calculated based on the frequency of repetition + the no. of places where the keyword is repeated. More weightage is given to mentions in headings and title tags as compared to mentions in the body of the page. A SEOi score of more than 50 implies the keyword has been given due importance on the page.

Density – No. of times a keyword appers on the page compared to the total no. of words on the page. The ideal limit as suggested by major search engines is between 3-4%.

Title – Technically called title elements – define the title of a document.

Description – A 160-character snippet that provides concise explanations of the content of a web page.

H Tags – These define HTML headings.

Image Alt Tag – Specifies an alternate text for an image, if the image cannot be displayed.

Social Metrics (of the URL that you enter in the form) – Shows the social presence on various networks. This should not be confused with the main social profile for which the stats will vary to a great extent.


Step 5: Applicable Only if you have entered any Competitor/s URL

Competition Analysis

1) Competition Overview – Here you can compare the following metrics and see where you’re lagging behind in terms of your competition:

  • Page Score
  • Page Speed
  • Page Size
  • Word Count
  • SEO Factors Passed
  • Issues to be Fixed


2) SEO Factors Passed: Here you can see a comparison of various important SEO factors that are necessary for boosting up your website’s performance along with your rivals. You can see for yourself where you/your competitor’s have failed and where you/your competitor’s have made the cut.


3) Issues to be Fixed: This section will list out the issues that need immediate attention.


4) Comparative On-page Keyword Analysis: Here you can see which keywords are present out of those that you had entered in the form.


Clicking on ‘View & Edit‘ next to the keyword, you will see an in-depth analysis of the keyword – like places where it is present – title tags, description, image alt. Etc for you and your entered competitor/s.


5) Social Metrics Analysis: Displays the social metrics for you and your competitor’s URL.



1) You can find out if your targeted keywords appear in the title, description, alt. tags, h1/h2 tags or domain name. If not present, you can work on this aspect so that your keywords appear at all the prominent places necessary for a SERP boost.

2) Social Strength – Through this you can find out how your page is performing in the social space. If the stats are way too low, then you need to promote your pages far and wide for more visibility and exposure.

3) Issues to be Fixed – Fix up the issues shown and you’re definitely on your way up the ranking ladder.

4) Emulate the best practices of your rivals to gain an upper hand in your respective industry.

5) You can also compare your page performance with your competitor’s and find out whose pages are optimized the right way for search engines as well as for people.

So, what are you waiting for?  Login now to your Mondovo account and start using the On-Page Analyzer tool to find out if your website is also making one of these 25 possible mistakes.

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