7 Ideas for Distributing Content via Email

Did you know that over 40% of digital marketers agree that content is a vital component of successful marketing campaigns? But having good content is not enough. You should share it with your readers to boost your brand awareness and transform them into customers. So, having a stellar content distribution strategy is the key, and email is one of those excellent channels to help you achieve this.

In this article, we’ll discover how you can use email marketing to boost the reach of your content and distribute it to a broader audience.

What Is Content Distribution?

Content distribution is the process of spreading your content on different platforms. It includes publishing, sharing, and promoting content through multiple channels and formats, so it reaches your audience entirely.

Source: HubSpot

The distribution is made via different channels that together achieve the goals of your content strategy. Each channel is responsible for hosting a certain segment of your audience; therefore, the approach and needed resources will change. The three main channel types are:

  • Owned channels. You have full control over these channels, except for cases when there are technical glitches. Such channels include your website, social media profiles, email newsletters, and even your publishing app.
  • Earned channels. If you keep customers engaged, they will interact with you on forums and social media platforms like Reddit and Quora. Furthermore, these customers will share your content, giving you a broader distribution. These earned channels of distribution include not only your customers but also journalists, bloggers, and anyone who shares your content for free.
  • Paid channels. The name of these channels speaks for itself. Paid channels include the traffic directed to your content through social and pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements, partnerships, and influencer promotions.

There are intersections between the three. These channels can always be combined to yield maximum results, but today we’re focusing mainly on emails.

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4 Essential Ways Small Businesses can Master Social Media Marketing on a Budget

Whether you’re building your startup from the ground up or attempting to grow your small business, social media marketing is an essential tool for winning that all-important exposure and gaining new leads. However, with smaller teams and tighter budgets, it can pay to be more strategic in your approach.

The more people you’re capable of reaching in an organic manner, the better it will be for new product launches and services.

But if you operate with a smaller marketing team and lower budgets, how can your business compete with the many social media marketing machines out there? Let’s explore four simple but highly effective ways that small businesses can thrive when launching their social media marketing campaigns:

Develop an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) to Better Focus Your Resources

Social networks are widely used throughout the world, and that’s great news for the marketing ambitions of small businesses. However, these users will have different interests and content preferences, and while some of them could be interested in your products or services, many others won’t be.

This means that you should focus your resources on reaching the right leads at the right time. To make this work, you’ll need to have an understanding of who your target audience is.

Take some time to look at the likes and dislikes of your existing customers, and assess their interests to determine how you can appeal to them in a more impactful way. This approach can help you to gain a better understanding of factors like:

  • The type of content that they’ll respond best to
  • The audience segments to target
  • Where your audience is based geographically
  • Various other key traits of your target audience that can be marketed to

Moreover, you need to list the customers and firms based on your ICP, research the common links between the customers, and filter out key people you need to target.

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Mastering the Art of the Perfect Business Presentation in 7 Easy Steps

It can be one of the most daunting prospects of any job role. Presenting information to others in a presentation requires a level of confidence, assertiveness, and organization skills that many of us don’t know we have–but with the right considerations, we can master the art of being the perfect presentation host.

Whether you’re presenting data to your team, summarizing a project for managers, or attempting to win over prospective clients, all presentations deserve the right level of commitment and care.

Although it can be hard to work on building your confidence when speaking in front of audiences, one of the best ways to manage your nerves is to be well equipped with an inspiring presentation. With this in mind, let’s take a deeper look at how you can captivate your audience and present your points, hypothesis, and findings clearly:

Determine Your Goals as a Priority

The first thing that you should consider is the goals that you’re aiming to achieve through the power of your presentation. By breaking down what you’re aiming to achieve, you can arrange your slides to accompany each stage in achieving each goal–or build them to help lead the audience to the right conclusion.

By defining and working towards your goals, you can provide the presentation with some much-needed direction. Regardless of whether you’re developing a business plan, pitching a new product launch, or simply reporting the month’s financial results, goals mean you can place yourself firmly in control of your own narrative.

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How Brands are Seeking to Out-Innovate their Rivals in Social Media Marketing

Content still very much rules the roost when it comes to digital marketing for brands, and this is perhaps no more prevalent than in modern social media campaigns. On a fundamental level, content can prove to be more engaging than special offers, coupons, traditional ads, and sales pitches. It can also be more evergreen than short termist campaigns.

But social media is becoming a congested place where more brands than ever are having to do battle to gain the visibility that they crave. With this in mind, innovation remains key and as more businesses seek to embrace an increasingly switched-on audience, new approaches to generate leads are essential.

Today, effective social media content revolves around purpose and strategy. This means that you should avoid self-serving copy, and instead generate something truly meaningful for your audience to consume.

How are brands utilizing trends to generate more purposeful social media content? Let’s take a deeper look into how brands are out-innovating their rivals when it comes to modern social media marketing:

Short-Form Video Reigns Supreme

In the post-pandemic era, we’ve seen social media trends undergo their own form of digital transformation in a way that’s seen short-form video prevail as a key form of communication among companies and audiences.

With more business-oriented social platforms like LinkedIn among the networks embracing video, it’s clear that brands and marketing teams alike should be bullish on generating more short-form video content.

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Scraping Dynamic Websites: Tips and Tricks

Scraping dynamic websites can be challenging, as these sites are designed to load content dynamically and asynchronously. However, these sites can provide valuable data if you use the right methods and tools.

These tips will help you scrape dynamic websites effectively. From using a headless browser to handling AJAX requests, these tips will ensure that your scraper can navigate complex web pages and extract the data you need for analysis. So whether you’re a data analyst or a web developer, read on for our top tips on scraping dynamic websites.

Use A Headless Browser

Using a headless browser is a powerful technique for scraping dynamic websites. By simulating the actions of a real user, you can ensure that your scraper can navigate through complex web pages and retrieve fully rendered HTML content.

This is particularly useful for accessing content that might be hidden behind JavaScript or AJAX calls, as well as for securely saving authentication tokens when crawlers start scraping.

Wait For Page Elements To Load

When scraping dynamic websites, it’s crucial to be patient and wait for all the necessary elements to load before attempting to extract data. If you start collecting data too soon, you risk getting incomplete or erroneous results that could interrupt your data extraction process.

To avoid this, you can use the DOM API to determine when a page element has been loaded, or wait for AJAX calls to finish executing before starting to extract data.

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The Ultimate Guide to Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a business strategy that draws clients by producing useful information and experiences that are specifically catered to their needs. It establishes connections with customers and addresses issues they are already experiencing, but outbound marketing disturbs your audience with content they don’t always want.

It is a strategy for expanding your business that involves “pulling” customers, prospects, and clients toward your brand through SEO, content marketing, social media, video marketing, and other channels.

Why is Inbound Marketing Important?

The advantages of inbound marketing are numerous. For instance, it costs 61% less on average than outbound marketing. Additionally, bloggers and businesses with blogs demonstrate even better returns on their inbound marketing investments.

Additionally, inbound marketing is 10 times more effective than outbound marketing for conversion when done correctly.

These figures show a developing pattern in customer behavior. Traditional outbound strategies don’t produce as much money as they formerly did. Instead, brands that provide fascinating, pertinent material are more likely to draw customers.

Think about this: Customers prefer brands that offer personalized content, which is impossible with outbound marketing, according to 61% of consumers. Hard selling is no longer effective.

But if a company can engage customers with valuable information, consumers can be more interested in what they have to say and what they have to offer.

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7 Proven Strategies to Build a Successful Affiliate Marketing Website

Are you looking to create a successful affiliate marketing website? If so, then you’ve come to the right place.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online and can be very lucrative if done correctly.

This guide will discuss some key strategies for building an affiliate blog that will help you succeed. It will cover topics such as choosing the right products, creating content that drives traffic, optimizing your site for search engines, and more.

With these tips in hand, you should have everything you need to get started with affiliate blogging and start making money from it!


  • Find Your Niche
  • Do Keyword Research
  • Earn Audience’s Trust
  • Diversify Affiliate Programs
  • Build an Email List
  • Share Discount Codes
  • Use KPIs to Track Progress

1. Find Your Niche

The first step to creating a successful affiliate blog is to find your niche.

You want to choose something that interests you and has affiliate products related to it. This will help ensure that you’re creating content that people are interested in and engaging with.

Some of the most popular niches for affiliate marketing include health and wellness, finance, tech gadgets, travel, beauty & fashion. You can  also treamline your affiliate marketing efforts effortlessly by leveraging a robust affiliate API integration. 

To help you select the right niche, follow these four steps:

  • Identify Your Interests
  • Solve Your Audience Problems
  • Research Your Competitors
  • Find Your Unique Selling Points

Identify Your Interests

The key to affiliate blogging success is to choose a niche you are passionate about. This way, it’ll be easier to stay motivated and keep creating content over time.

When selecting your niche, start by writing down all of the topics that interest you or that you have knowledge and experience in.

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