3 SEO Metrics Small Businesses Need to Track

SEO Metrics

According to a recent study, more than one-third of small businesses have an SEO strategy in place, and nearly 40% are planning to create one before the end of 2019. 

This demonstrates that as people increasingly use search engines to discover new products and services, small businesses are keeping up by expanding their SEO efforts. 

How do small businesses know whether their SEO investments are paying off?  

Many mistakenly track “vanity metrics” such as social media engagement or blog post page views. These metrics, though, don’t provide context for making business decisions since they reflect popularity rather than a contribution to business objectives. 

Small businesses need to track actionable metrics such as search traffic retention and conversion rates to better understand the success of their SEO and adjust their strategies for higher revenue. 

In this article, we explain the actionable SEO metrics that are most beneficial to small businesses. Use the information to guide how you measure the success of SEO strategy.

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3 Things to Consider When Formatting Your SEM and SEO Strategy

SEM & SEO Strategy

Find out how to strike the best balance between paid search engine marketing and organic search engine optimization.

What’s the difference between SEO and SEM? 

This question, commonly asked by businesses big and small, can help you organize your online marketing strategy for maximum success.

Both paid search advertising and organic SEO services can provide value for your company.

Using both together, though, is a cost-efficient and effective method to earn targeted, valuable traffic to your site.

In this article, we’ll explain how to balance SEO and SEM strategies to get the most from your digital marketing campaigns.

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