How to Optimize Micro Moments in Hyperlocal SEO

Have you ever searched for a specific type of business on your smartphone when you’re out with your family or friends? With growing mobile usage, the chances are that you’ve! 

In fact, to be more accurate, you have conducted a hyperlocal search.

Hyperlocal SEO is crucial for any business be it online or offline. You simply can’t ignore it while setting up your business at a specific location or choosing your local target audience. 

With Google’s Pigeon update, the focus has moved to hyperlocal search by reducing the search radius for local queries. Hyperlocal SEO helps local businesses rank higher in search results and improve the number of loyal local customers. 

Therefore, with the recent updates in Google Algorithm and fast-changing trends in SEO, we cannot ignore the importance of hyperlocal SEO. 

Let us understand in detail what exactly hyperlocal SEO means and how you can gain local customers by teaming it up with micro-moments.

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The Definitive Guide to YouTube SEO

YouTube SEO

YouTube has reached a whopping 1.5 billion monthly users, only second in line to Facebook(2 billion), with an average amount of YouTube content being watched daily reaching 1 billion hours

Videos equivalent to 576,000 hours are uploaded each day on YouTube. That’s an astonishing number! This number not only strengthens the growing popularity of YouTube but also gives you an idea of the competition that it’s paving a way to.

When we talk about ranking, search engine optimization is the very first thought that pops into our mind. Just like Google, YouTube needs optimization as well.

So, for those of you who are aiming to start their YouTube channel this year or want leverage this ever-growing user base on YouTube for reaching out; read ahead to know how to nail YouTube SEO in 2018. Read More

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