How to Do Digital Marketing for Medical Websites

Digital Marketing for Medical Websites

The medical field is a tough cutthroat industry that requires smart marketers that have a really good understanding of the digital marketing landscape. Some niches like medical spas, supplements, plastic surgery can be more competitive than other areas. Some companies have healthy budgets that can be hard to compete with. But don’t let this scare you if you want to succeed in these areas you can with time and hard work.

Below are the areas I recommend as a starting point to gain more search engine traffic for your efforts.

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How to Set an E-Commerce SEO Strategy to Explode Your Sales

E-Commerce SEO Strategy

According to Statista, global e-commerce sales reached $2.3 trillion in 2017 and they’re expected to jump to astounding $4.88 trillion by 2021. Given these facts, we can conclude that the e-commerce sphere is expanding impressively fast. And, with it, the number of your competitors also grows.

As most of your customers never scroll past the first page of Google’s search results, just having a nice e-commerce site is not enough for you to increase sales. To grab your target audience’s attention, you need to optimize it for search engines and boost your rankings.

Here is how to build an SEO strategy that will skyrocket your sales.

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10 Dangerous SEO Techniques to Avoid in 2018

SEO Techniques to Avoid in 2018

When running a business online, SEO is undoubtedly one of the most effective ways of generating quality traffic. While you work towards employing the best SEO tactics, there are those that will affect your ranking in Google search results.  You can begin with basic tactics such as good meta tag descriptions, quality content, and HTTPS.

However, you ought to be more careful with dangerous SEO techniques that can be easily detected by the Penguin, Panda, and other Google algorithm s. This article takes a closer look at some of the SEO techniques to avoid in 2018.

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How to Use Gantt Charts For Your Next SEO Campaign

Gantt Charts for SEO

Every SEO campaign requires a certain level of preparation and planning. Oftentimes, it includes keyword selection, writing strong page titles and meta tags, developing, implementing a link building programme and what not. The entire process of devising a kickass strategy could be both challenging and arduous without proper planning and tracking. 

Hubspot explains a good SEO strategy as the process of organizing a website’s content by topic, which helps search engines like Google understand a user’s intent when searching. 

These days many teams have started using Gantt chart software to plan, run, and control their SEO strategies. To all those, who don’t know much about Gantt charts, we have a brief overview for you. 

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How Analytics With NLP Can Help Unlock SEO Wins

 Analytics With NLP

What can you do to unlock hidden search engine optimization wins?  

Let’s assume that you’re already doing everything else right: You’ve made your site fast and secure, developed a strong architecture, done the expected keyword research, engaged in strategic link building, and stayed on top of the latest algorithm updates. You are also diligent about smaller optimizations and emerging trends: You’ve embraced local SEO best-practices, started thinking about the impact of voice search, and ensured your website content and experience is mobile-first. 

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An Advanced Guide to Link Building – 7 Must-Have Strategies

Guide to Link Building

During a March Q&A Session with WebPromo Expert, Andrey Lipattsev—a Search Quality Senior Strategist at Google—revealed Google’s top three ranking factors: links, content, and RankBrain. Marketers have since begun to improve their link building efforts and backlink strategies, thanks to companies like the rank way.

Some websites, as expected, went the way of the black hat. They scored higher rankings by manipulating the number of links leading to their page. A later update—codenamed Google Penguin—managed to successfully weed out those employing link schemes and similar black-hat SEO tactics and de-rank them.

With those issues addressed, the focus shifted entirely to link quality, not quantity.

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How Experienced and Expert Online Marketers Can Help Enterprises Move up the Competitive Ladder

Move up the Competitive Ladder

If having a website is obligatory for any enterprise large or small, then it is equally necessary to have the right supporting and expert SEO service. Without a solid SEO foundation, a website just does not achieve the traction it requires to move up the competitive ladder.

Search engine optimization or SEO, on the face of it, is apparently easy. It involves some keyword research, link building, analytics, a bit of social media, content marketing and blogging with a PR here and there.

One might argue that there is no need to bring in a third party SEO expert when in-house staff can take care of these little things. These little things, however, add up to a larger whole that is quite complex if looked at in depth.

SEO today is an art and science blended with experience and expertise. It is also time-consuming and does cost money. Still, however, for a company to generate traffic and revenues it is a wise thing to assign internet marketing to those who have resources, skilled people, and capability.

Let’s consider one by one all that that goes into a simple term SEO.

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Citation Link Building – How to Dominate Local Search

Citation Link Building

Links have always been the most important ranking factors. They still are today. And they will remain just as important in times to come. It is difficult to predict if this will ever change.

Search engines gauge the importance of a site by looking at the number and authority of sites linking to them. The more links they have the better their standing in search results. There are hundreds of other criteria, but links remain the most important of them.

The more sites that link to you, the more credible your site is. It is, therefore, important to remember that you want more links, but from credible sources.

In other words, we need credible & high authority sites to link to us. So that we are also perceived as credible by the search engines.

There are many ways to build links to your site. However, today we will start with the most popular link building technique used by SEOs worldwide. It is none other than Citation Link Building. 

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5 Effective Local SEO Optimization Tips and Strategies

Local SEO Optimization

A growing number of small business owners and entrepreneurs are beginning to fully appreciate the importance of dedicating time and resources to Local SEO optimization. After all, who doesn’t want to get found by new customers for keywords they specialize in?

AdWords and other forms of paid advertising can help, but they can also be extremely costly, and if you don’t continuously pay, the results disappear instantly. This is not the case with SEO, and this is just one of the many reasons local businesses are relying on SEO optimization tips and strategies to succeed.

If you’re new and still not sure what local SEO is and why it’s important, read this article by Before you launch your business website, here are some useful local SEO optimization tips and strategies.

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Why Backlinks Shouldn’t Be the Main Focus of Your Outreach Strategy

Outreach Strategy

Backlinks are awesome!

But forget them. Banish them from your mind because an insatiable desire for backlinks corrupts, turning you into a monster who forgets all about value, relationships, and treating people well. Your family doesn’t even recognize you anymore!

Dramatic much? Maybe.

Look, everyone tells us how important backlinks are. Backlinks boost our SEO efforts, making us more visible on Google. We all know this, and it’s no wonder so many of us are chasing them via outreach marketing, which is a great way of getting our content and brand in front of more eyes. It boosts our prestige, increases people’s trust in us, and ultimately it increases our conversions and sales.

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