How to Come up With Cluster Content Ideas

Touted as the “next evolution of SEO,” there has been increasing buzz showing up online and across social media platforms around cluster content. The idea is simple: create online content that is focused around one central idea, whereby together, the hyperlinks create a cluster of related, interlinking information.  You do this by crafting a series of interlinked web pages that are closely related to one pillar idea or broad topic and then have several smaller, but related sub-topics.

Cluster Content Ideas

If it sounds complex, don’t worry, it is simpler than you think. And the simplicity and efficiency of it in allowing you to share content, while simultaneously bringing in more readers and traffic to your site, is exactly why you need to be implementing it into your content marketing strategy.  But the first thing is coming up with ideas for your clusters.

While you could simply focus on coming up with cluster topics like you do blog post topics – writing list posts, offering tips, answer questions etc. – before you take that route, there is a more imperative area of your business that needs your attention that presents as the perfect place to find and create pillar content.  

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How to Maximize Content Marketing ROI with the Triad Strategy

Content Marketing ROI

According to a study in 2014, over 2 million blog posts get published every single day. This figure is expected to have increased much more in the last couple of years.

The sheer volume of content available on the internet today has made the job of a content marketer that much harder. This challenge is amplified by an increase in focus on analytics that assesses the ROI of every article you publish. Quite frankly, very few businesses have cracked the code on content marketing.

I have been advising companies on content marketing for over six years now. During this time, we have seen a dramatic shift in the way content gets published and consumed. Five hundred worded articles were fairly adequate a few years back. They do not make the cut anymore.

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What It’s Like to Write Engaging Tweets in 2018

3 core details for every marketer to know about Twitter in 2018:

With all that said, what can you do to stand out in Twitter users’ constantly updating feeds? How to overtake competitors and engage comments, retweets, and follows with your Twitter messages?

Write them right.

Easier say than do, huh? In this article, you’ll find the list of key points to consider for crafting engaging tweets your audience will love.

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How Push Notification Technology is an Effective Tool for Your Mobile Marketing Campaign

Push Notification Technology

According to Statista, by 2019, the number of smartphone users will be more than 5 billion. With mobile internet usage exceeding that of desktop, app owners and businesses should focus on mobile push notifications.

What are Mobile Push Notifications?

Push notifications are one of the most effective tools to deliver actionable, personalized, timely and relevant content. For all intents and purposes, they are profoundly disruptive.

Should digital marketers use mobile push notification services in 2018? Yes!

Push notifications can boost app engagement by 88%. Let me run some more numbers for you.

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5 Ways to Intuitively Increase Your Websites’ Trust

Increase Your Websites' Trust

When business owners are building their company’s real-life reputation, the first thing they look to achieve is signals of trust. However, many don’t treat their company’s website the same way and wonder why they are struggling to convert website visitors into clients. That’s where trust signals play a vital role in how well your website performs. It’s the little things that showcase the fact that you’re worth someone’s time.

What do you look for in a company whose services you’re enquiring about? The highest on people’s list are the obvious things like, where are they based? Do they offer the service I want? And finally, can I trust them to deliver that service? But, how can you portray your trustworthiness on your website? There are many ways, although, a few of them are much more intuitive and easier to implement than others. Online marketers recommend accreditations, testimonials, case studies, awards and press coverage as an important part of website design. Read More

How to Get Your Inbound Marketing On Point?

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is the art of attracting customers through alternative methods, such as great content or impeccable branding. It is a proven way of generating leads and sales, and often times, it can be less expensive than traditional marketing techniques.

When compared to outbound marketing, it is the less aggressive approach. It is all about earning a customer’s trust and attention, not buying it. Meaning that you can gain new leads and loyalty in a much more organic way. In today’s world where the Millennial and Gen Z crowd has become desensitized to advertising, finding new measures to capture your target audience is the key.  

But getting your inbound marketing right takes research, insight and a good understanding of your customer – as well as a deep knowledge of the market you’re in. Creating useful and compelling content is at the heart of it all, and companies will need to redirect investment and focus on making their brand shine if they want to stand out against the competition.  

Here is a guide on how to nail your inbound marketing campaigns.

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10 Most Innovative Ways to Reduce the Bounce Rate of a Website

Reduce the Bounce Rate of a Website

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How does it feel when after putting considerable efforts on creating a solid digital marketing strategy, your website still gets just enough conversions? It simply means that there is something missing from your end and needs immediate attention. However, there’s one metric that can help you understand this issue in a better manner – Bounce Rate. 

Bounce rate is the number of users visiting your website but leaving instantly without making any call for action. They are genuine people who are interested in what you are offering, but somehow, disappointed when they visited your website. A high bounce rate means you need to fix the problem on an immediate basis. 

Once you’ve found a way to attract people to your website, how do you get them to stay and browse through your products, services, and offerings? The best way that such things can be measured is by having a decreased bounce rate. 

Here then are 10 most innovative tips to help you in reducing the bounce rate of your site and convert more visitors.

Reduce the Bounce Rate of a Website

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Analytics Anatomy – Dissecting Key Metrics of Your Site Analytics to Refine Marketing Campaigns

Dissecting Key Metrics of Your Site Analytics

Despite the expansive growth of other marketing platforms, website metrics remain an integral indicator of how respective campaigns are performing.

As such, it is important for marketers to have a clear grasp of the data collected and an understanding of how that translates to existing campaigns.

This article is designed to provide a starting point for marketers to glean what different metrics mean, how it applies to their campaigns, and how to identify which ones truly matter. Read More

[Infographic] Online Marketing Trends to Keep an Eye On in 2018

Watching online marketing trends year in and year out has become some sort of a ritual for anyone in the industry. Unlike most rituals, however, keeping an eye on online marketing trends has become indispensable for digital marketers everywhere. After all, these trends do help shape their overall online marketing strategy. 

By their very nature, trends supposedly don’t last. Some trends in the digital marketing niche, however, last longer than others. Some trends have even stayed on for years, and are bound to remain relevant for the foreseeable future. Let’s take a look at the infographic below to see some of the online marketing trends for 2018 that may or may not stick around for a long time.

Online Marketing Trends 2018

How Influencer Marketing is Better Than PPC Campaigns

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is the most effective and popular type of marketing preferred by online marketers across the globe. In 2017, 86% of marketers used this form of marketing and out of them, 92% of marketers reported that this form of marketing has been highly effective for them.

Because of this, 63% of companies have reported an increase in their budgets for influencer marketing. This implies that brands understand the significance of influencer marketing. It is arguably the best way to gain and retain customers.

On the other hand, when we talk about pay per cost (PPC) advertising, the traffic converts 50% more than organic traffic. Also, it is easy to measure, monitor, tweak and track PPC campaigns. When businesses want to see campaign results as soon as possible, then it is best to go with PPC advertising. It is the fastest method to run a campaign and get results almost immediately.

There are a number of ways to generate traffic, but PPC and influencer marketing have grown as the most popular ones. Each of these forms of marketing have their own pros and cons. But in general, influencer marketing is possibly the best way to go for. This post will show you why and how influencer marketing is better than PPC campaigns.

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