How Not Checking My Site’s Metrics Cost Me $70,000+ in Lost Business

I’ve chosen to keep the website url anonymous because it could affect the brand image of the site but I thought it’s important to share this lesson.

They say, ‘ignorance is bliss’. You can’t be stressed by something you don’t know or don’t think about. So here I was, living this wonderful stress-free life, happy and content with everything going on with my real estate website because I had a few sign ups here and there and things “seemed” to be going alright. When you’re in such a state, there will come a time, and hopefully reading this article will be that time, when you realize that this ignorance of not tracking or measuring key metrics can be the cause of many a pain in the future…

Even though I would consider myself to be quite tech savvy and also aware that keeping a tab on your stats is important, I never really got down to looking at any of my site’s stats for a long, long time. I was only looking at sign ups, sales and enquiries and the numbers always used to be volatile, so nothing struck me as being abnormal. I was not aware that the traffic to my site had actually been on a steady decline. I was slowly losing rankings for my key terms. A few of my older articles had links to sites that did not exist anymore (I later realized there were 14 broken links spread across 173 of my blog posts).. In short, things were not going well and what’s worse, I didn’t realize any of this.

Then, doomsday struck. Read More

Getting Started with the Keyword Research Tool

Mondovo’s Keyword Research tool allows you to generate a list of relevant keywords from a set of keywords or URLs you enter. It consists of 2 sub-tools viz Keyword Research & Content Ideas. The Keyword Research tool helps with the following:

  • Researching and discovering new and effective keyword opportunities for your marketing campaigns
  • Fine-tuning your SEO on-page strategy
  • Coming up with new content ideas
  • Monitor trending keywords

We will discuss in detail about “Content Ideas” in the later part of this tutorial. For now let’s focus on “Keyword Research”. Getting started with the Keyword Research tool is an easy task and is explained in detail in the following steps:

Step 1:

Login to your Mondovo account and select Keyword Research (under SEO Tools) from the left menu. In case you’re a new user, you can create a new Mondovo account in less than 2 mins.


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Getting Started with the Website Audit Tool

Mondovo’s Website Audit Tool allows you to inspect every micro level aspect of all your website pages and chalk out strategies to address the same thereby increasing your SERP rankings and visitor conversion rates. Some of the issues that you can tackle with our tool are:

  • Missing meta titles and description tags
  • Finding out about duplicate content issues
  • Managing broken links
  • Tweaking slow loading pages
  • Analyze internal linking structure

Getting started with the Website Audit tool is an easy task and is explained in detail in the following steps:

Step 1:

Login to your Mondovo account and select Website Audit (under SEO Tools) from the left menu. In case you’re a new user, you can create a new Mondovo account in less than 2 mins.


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Getting Started with the On-Page Analyzer Tool

Mondovo’s On-Page Analyzer tool allows you to analyze one page at a time and compare that particular page with up to 2 other competitor pages. There are 4 primary functions that our tool performs which are listed below:

  • Summarizing key metrics about your page, like the title/meta description etc.
  • Highlighting your linking structure giving a break-up of the internal, external and if any, broken links
  • Highlights the prominent keywords used in the page along with details on how they’re used
  • Checks for how the page fares against 25 rules: Over optimization of title tags, meta description presence, page load speed or image optimization check etc. You can see more of these details in the report that you will ultimately run.

Given below is a detailed step-by-step procedure on how to go about using the tool as well as the takeaways from it. One important thing to note here is:

Steps 1-4 are common throughout irrespective of whether you’re analyzing your home page/inner pages/your page + your competitors’.

So let’s get started:

Step 1:

Login to your Mondovo account and select On-Page Analyzer (under SEO Tools) from the left menu. In case you’re a new user, you can create a new Mondovo account in less than 2 minutes.


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