How to Come up With Cluster Content Ideas

Touted as the “next evolution of SEO,” there has been increasing buzz showing up online and across social media platforms around cluster content. The idea is simple: create online content that is focused around one central idea, whereby together, the hyperlinks create a cluster of related, interlinking information.  You do this by crafting a series of interlinked web pages that are closely related to one pillar idea or broad topic and then have several smaller, but related sub-topics.

Cluster Content Ideas

If it sounds complex, don’t worry, it is simpler than you think. And the simplicity and efficiency of it in allowing you to share content, while simultaneously bringing in more readers and traffic to your site, is exactly why you need to be implementing it into your content marketing strategy.  But the first thing is coming up with ideas for your clusters.

While you could simply focus on coming up with cluster topics like you do blog post topics – writing list posts, offering tips, answer questions etc. – before you take that route, there is a more imperative area of your business that needs your attention that presents as the perfect place to find and create pillar content.  

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10 Fantastic UX Examining Tools That Improve Your Website Design

UX Examining Tools

Being a UX designer, it might seem that keeping your visitors busy is a harder task to accomplish. Even after a huge contribution by UX designers, users are demanding more from the interfaces they encounter. To overcome this big problem, designers are endeavoring to satisfy the users who are looking forward to having an exceptional user experience.

To improve the web designing workflow, we have picked together a list of amazing UX examining tools that are helpful in evaluating the user experience of websites. You can try these tools as your ideal website optimization weapon to get outstanding evaluation results. All these tools are poised to bring a revolution and projected to be used for many more years to come. Read More

Google Analytics Vs Website Visitor Tracking

Google Analytics Vs Website Visitor Tracking – Two members of the website tracking data family but still poles apart. Let’s take a closer look at what separates Google Analytics from Website Visitor Tracking.

 Google Analytics Vs Website Visitor Tracking

The focus on website analytics is becoming increasingly evident with more attention being paid to the importance of activity, engagement, conversion and understanding of behaviours and patterns in order to measure the success of campaigns and generate sustainability for return on investment.

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16 Practical Restaurant Marketing Strategies to Drive More Customers to Your Restaurant in 2019 (Bonus Tip Added)

Get more customers to your restaurant
In 1995, less than 1% of the world population had an internet connection. Today, over 3.6 billion people use the internet. That’s more than 40% of the world population.

A huge chunk of this online population search for and find restaurants online. They look up menus, compare prices, go through reviews before going over to a restaurant or ordering food from there.

As per a 2016 Adweek survey, 25% of people have at least one restaurant app on their phone. As per another survey, 85% of those who search for food on their mobile phones go on to complete a purchase.

But they don’t stop at merely having discovered a restaurant that they might like, or after making a purchase.

Modern, tech-empowered consumers click pictures of the food that they have been served, go online to post their reviews, and share their experiences on social media—which in turn could enhance footfalls at your restaurants or dissuade people from further visiting your establishment.

The thing is whether you are online or not, your customers are. Talks veer around your restaurant, its ambiance, the food you serve, the service you offer, and more.

Look at the infographic below, these stats have been compiled from Toast’s Industry Report and’s data:

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6 SMS Marketing Best Practices for 2017

Where’s your phone right now? Do you know?

Of course, you do. If you’re like 91% of adults in America, you keep your mobile phone within reach at all times. That’s why Short Message Service (SMS) marketing is so incredibly useful. Your audience is literally within arm’s reach at any given moment.

That’s what makes SMS marketing one of our favorite tools at Performance Marketer.

It’s predicted that, in 2017, more than 4.7 billion people will have a cell phone. With 2/3 of the world’s population carrying around a mobile device, you can’t afford to neglect SMS marketing’s tremendous potential to impact your business.

As with any other marketing channel, SMS has its cautions and limitations. For one thing, it’s heavily regulated. You can land yourself in some serious trouble if you step out of line. Nevertheless, the benefits of SMS are far too great to continue sitting on the sidelines.

With that said, keep reading to learn all about how you can add this under-utilized marketing channel to your current slate of campaigns.

SMS Marketing infographic
1. Make Sure Your SMS Messages are High Value

Text messaging is an incredibly personal medium. We only give our cell numbers out to a limited circle of people. Even then, we expect only a small number of those people to text us.

That means, at a minimum, you need to know exactly who your audience is and what they expect from your text messaging. An unwanted and/or irrelevant text message from you can be about as creepy as that guy on the subway with no concept of personal space.

Instances to Use SMS Marketing:

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9954 Visitors in just 7 Days. How one piece of EPIC Content transformed our site traffic

Back in March, we were having a problem with our Site’s Traffic numbers. They just weren’t growing as fast we wanted. This is a typical problem faced by most business owners or site admins and one that’s widely covered online. For reference, a quick search on Google on how to boost your site’s traffic will give you over 4.100,000 results. 4 Million search results (!) with no way to know which ones actually work and which ones are going to end up a colossal waste of time and money.

Since we knew that we had to do something really drastic to kick it up a notch (and without breaking the bank in the process),  we didn’t rely on the traditional approach of advertising or waiting for traditional SEO to take effect.

We decided to turn to Content, but with a twist. And to keep things interesting, threw ourselves a challenge to get 5,000 unique visitors to the piece of content we develop and to get that number within 7 days of it’s publishing. The content asset we created was truly something  special and after the 7 day deadline was up, we found that we had not only met our own target but exceeded it twice over with lots of good links to boot! Most amazing of all, the content asset became an evergreen one and continues to send amazing traffic and links our way.

Content Marketing Strategy - Most Asked Questions 5

Source: Mondovolytics

Here’s the inside scoop of what we did and how we can help you do the same for your own website.

Challenge #1: The Idea

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4 typical excuses I hear about NOT tracking keyword rankings. And why they’re terrible excuses

First. A Confession…

I’m not an SEO guy, never was, never will be. Even though I work for a company that makes an SEO & Social Media Toolset, I’m more of a marketing sort with an eye for the consumer. This means that when things get complicated, I’m the first person to raise his hand and say: “Hey! I don’t think this is simple to do. How can you expect our users to get this?” My personal attitude towards SEO is looking at it like Algebra – lots of doubt and suspicion but tempered with the grudging acceptance that it is useful once you understand it.

So that’s why when we were planning to revamp our existing Rank Tracker, I thought it’s a perfect time to poll our target audience and get their thoughts on rank tracking. And boy, was I in for a shock. Close to 35% of the businesses we polled didn’t track their rankings regularly or have a clue why they should. Another 25% said that they’ve attempted it – since everyone they’d spoken to said it’s terribly important – but didn’t really understand what to do with the data. The remaining 40% understood the importance of rank tracking but didn’t have time to do it themselves so hired agencies or SEO professionals to do it for them.

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